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Ben Taffner

Workshop host, my true self

I'm a lindy hop dancer and organizer of a dance community!

Everyday, when I get up I'm again surprised how strong the dancing is connected with the real life,....cause it is my real life! :-)

For me the lindy hop and all the culture around the dance changed my life completely.

As a dancer you travel around a lot to dance, work and connect with people.

In my workshop I will present the dance and the philosophy behind. I could talk hours and hours about that, but lets do this together in here only a few words that move me in the context of the workshop, that will be a mix of dancing and talking:

- living as a dancer

- music, rhythm and dance to swing music

- improvisation and expression as one of the most important skills in the dance

- communication with yourself, your partner and the music

- connection physically and mentally


My motto: "Ouh Yeah!"

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